SIMULIA Learning
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Support for Academic Users - SIMULIA Online Support System
Did you know that as an academic Abaqus user you can access a knowledge database of Abaqus questions and answers through the SIMULIA Online Support System?
To begin, go to the website
From the homepage, click on New Users - Create an account in the Announcements box on the My Support page. TheCreate a New Account page appears and should be filled out as follows:
User Name: enter the user name that you would like to use to login to the Abaqus Support System. (Your email address is suggested.)
Password: enter your desired password. This field is case sensitive and must be 6 characters or more.
Verify Password: re-enter your password exactly as it was entered in the Password field.
Abaqus Site ID: you can find the Abaqus Site ID by looking for the value of SN in the Abaqus license file, looking for the Abaqus Site ID on the first page of the Abaqus data (.dat) file, or running the command abaqus whereami where abaqus is the command you use to run Abaqus. The Abaqus Site ID will be the second line of output to the screen.
First Name: your first name
Last Name: your last name
E-mail Address: this is the E-mail address where you will be receiving support incident update information.
Alternate Email 1: use this if you would like to receive support incident update information at an additional address
Alternate Email 2: use this if you would like to receive support incident update information at a second additional address
Company Name: use the company name as used for regular mail
Company Address: useful for sending regular mail
Phone Number: required contact information
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